AILab Howest

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5G-Pilot Zeevaart

This project employs 5G for unmanned navigation on inland waterways and focuses on semi-autonomous inland navigation supported by 5G connectivity. Howest is exploring the possibilities of a 360-degree camera and VR applications on the boat and will also conduct field tests.

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After successful trial runs on the IJzer in 2018, the partner Seafar wants to further develop this concept. A major challenge in our rural region is stable network connectivity to ensure the safety of remote control. 5G connectivity can enhance the three necessary elements: coverage, bandwidth, and latency. Semi-autonomous navigation can stimulate and make freight transport on waterways more efficient. Especially in the Westhoek, there are small waterways that could be suitable for semi-autonomous inland navigation.

The aim of this research is to develop a reliable communication system between the control center and the automated ship. Howest is responsible for developing and validating the VR immersive experience with, for, and by the captain. It is investigating the possibilities of a 360-degree camera and VR applications on the boat. Finally, Howest is examining in real life whether everything functions well and is looking into the effects of a VR headset on the captain.

The use of autonomous vessels offers many future opportunities for (small) inland navigation: lower operational costs, higher safety, less chance of human errors, lower fuel costs, optimization of maintenance, solution for the labor market shortage (shortage of captains and crew), etc. Thanks to the project, inland navigation in the Westhoek, and by extension Flanders, can once again become an important economic player.


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    Ine Van der Cruyssen, Researcher & Experimental Psychologist

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    Thibaut De Tandt, XR Developer

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